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Thursday, August 1, 2024

Starfield – Where to Sell Contraband

Where to Sell Contraband in Starfield

Starfield – Where to Sell Contraband

Starfield offers a vast and immersive universe where players can choose various paths, including the thrilling life of a smuggler. If you’re interested in making credits through illegal means, knowing where and how to sell contraband is crucial. Contraband, which includes high-value items illegal in United Colonies (UC) space, can be a lucrative but risky business.

This guide will walk you through the best strategies for selling contraband in Starfield. You’ll learn where to find the best places to sell your illicit goods, how to avoid getting caught, and tips for successful smuggling operations.

Understanding Contraband

In Starfield, contraband consists of items that are banned in UC-controlled territories. These items are usually marked in yellow in your inventory. While contraband can be very profitable, possessing it comes with significant risks, including fines and imprisonment if you’re detected.

Why Sell Contraband?

Selling contraband can greatly enhance your in-game earnings. Successfully navigating the sale of illegal items involves evading security, dealing with potential pirates, and mastering the art of smuggling. Profits from selling contraband can be used to upgrade your ship, buy better equipment, and advance your gameplay.

Where to Find Contraband


Contraband can be discovered in several places across Starfield. Pirate outposts, abandoned stations, and derelict vessels are common sources. Be prepared for encounters, as these areas are often dangerous.


Completing certain missions and quests can reward you with contraband. These tasks are generally assigned by less reputable NPCs and often involve piracy or smuggling activities.


Some contraband items are rare rewards for specific challenges or missions. These items tend to be highly valuable and worth the effort to acquire.

Preparing for Smuggling

Using the Cargo Hold

Ensure that your contraband is stored in your ship’s cargo hold rather than on your person. Items carried on your body are more likely to be detected during scans.

Investing in Deception Skills

Upgrading your Deception skill is essential for effective smuggling. This skill helps reduce the chances of detection by security systems and improves your ability to avoid being caught.

Handling UC Security

Understanding Scanning Systems

UC systems employ advanced scanning technology to detect contraband. Familiarize yourself with how these systems operate to better evade detection.

Evading Detection

Here are a few strategies to avoid getting caught with contraband:

  • Travel during quieter times when space traffic is low.
  • Opt for smaller, less noticeable ships.
  • Equip your ship with stealth technology to reduce visibility.

Top Locations for Selling Contraband

The Den

The Den, located in the Wolf system, is one of the safest places to sell contraband. This industrial station does not perform scans on incoming ships, making it an ideal location for selling your goods.

Alternative Trade Authority Shops

While The Den is the safest option, there are other Trade Authority Shops scattered throughout the galaxy. However, reaching these shops without being scanned can be challenging.

Step-by-Step Guide to Selling at The Den

Docking Process

When you arrive at The Den, follow standard docking procedures. Ensure that your ship’s cargo hold is securely locked and ready for inspection.

Entering the Trade Authority Shop

The Trade Authority Shop is situated at the far end of the entrance area. Navigate to it carefully, avoiding unnecessary interactions with other characters.

Completing the Sale

Inside the Trade Authority Shop, speak with the merchant to begin the transaction. Select your contraband items and confirm the sale to receive your credits.

Risks and Consequences


If you are caught with contraband, you may face substantial fines. The amount varies based on the quantity and type of contraband.

Jail Time

In addition to fines, you could be sentenced to jail time if detected with contraband. This interruption can lead to loss of valuable items and progress.

Advanced Smuggling Techniques

Utilizing Outposts

Store your contraband at one of your outposts until you’re ready to sell it. This precaution minimizes the risk of being detected during random scans.

Upgrading Your Ship

Enhance your ship with advanced stealth technology and contraband storage systems. These upgrades help reduce detection and improve your smuggling success rate.

Maximizing Your Profits

Targeting High-Value Items

Focus on acquiring high-value contraband to maximize your earnings. These items are rarer but offer better returns on your investment.

Timing Your Sales

Sell your contraband when demand is high to get the best prices. Stay informed about market trends and adjust your selling strategies accordingly.

Dealing with Pirates

Defensive Measures

Equip your ship with robust defensive systems to protect against pirate attacks. Good shields, armor, and countermeasures are essential for safeguarding your cargo.

Offensive Strategies

Sometimes, taking an offensive approach is necessary. Equip powerful weapons on your ship to fend off pirates before they can attack.


Selling contraband in Starfield is both a challenging and rewarding pursuit. By understanding where to find, how to smuggle, and where to sell these illegal items, you can enhance your in-game wealth and enjoy a thrilling aspect of the game. Use the strategies and tips provided in this guide to maximize your success and minimize your risks.


What is Contraband in Starfield?

Contraband consists of illegal items found in the Starfield universe, marked in yellow in your inventory. These items can be sold for high prices at specific locations.

Where is the best place to sell Contraband?

The Den in the Wolf system is the safest place to sell contraband as it does not scan incoming ships. This makes it a prime location for selling illegal goods.

How can I avoid getting caught with Contraband?

To avoid detection, keep contraband in your ship’s cargo hold, level up your Deception skills, and invest in stealth technology. Additionally, storing contraband at outposts until you are ready to sell it can help reduce risks.





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